Name : Beth Brown
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Adult: 57 years old
Location: Albany, GA
Area(s) affected: Right ankle
Personal History:
My name is Beth Brown, a 57 year old woman, diagnosed with melorheostosis in my right ankle in Nov. 2012 following over 7 years of pain and discomfort, multiple doctors, physical therapy, etc. I am losing range of motion. I experience a variety of pain from throbbing to stabbing. I have to be careful where I walk and what kind of shoes I wear as any wobble can result in extreme pain. I frequently wake in the middle of the night as a result of pain. I am self medicating with naproxin, aspercreme, and hot soaks.
I live in Albany, GA, a rural area in south Georgia. Following diagnosis, my local doctor said: "It wouldn't hurt my feelings if you saw someone else." So, I have been referred to the unknown. I have done as much research as I can but need to talk to a doctor with some experience managing this disease/disorder. I do not live near any of the doctors listed on the melorheostosis website and am wondering what my options are for seeing someone with some experience. I am open to discussion and recommendations.
Kindest regards,